All images by the ICZ





posted by Matsuo, on 03//12/2008

Quaviver, 2008. Matsuo Sugano.







My name is Matsuo Sugano and I work as a researcher and archivist of photographs in the Institute Of Critical Zoologists (ICZ). The ICZ is the first interdisciplinary scholarly centre dedicated to promoting critical dialogue on the principles and practices of animal spectatorship and animal-related policies in the fields of social sciences, commerce, aesthetics, culture, ecology, and the arts. The Institute employs a variety of methods to pursue its mission. It engages in research, classification and exhibition.


I am keeping this journal to post my thoughts as I process my field research and personal recollections while working in the ICZ archives.


One project that has been consuming most of my time is The Thaw Project, which investigates the recent melting of the ice-caps in Greenland and the effect on the ecology. Conditions are extreme and difficult for data collection.


We were trying to collect data of a Quaviver and had waited for two weeks before it decided to show itself to us. This is the photograph of the animal. Unfortunately it ran off.



Copyright 2010, Institute of Critical Zoologists